[Answer the Proust Questionnaire]
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On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 05:05:16 UTC Christobel (17) answered the Proust Questionnaire (click on a question to read other answers):
- What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
- Heartbreak.
- Where would you like to live?
- In the city, anywhere that would give me stuff to write about.
- What is your idea of earthly happiness?
- A library with a bed.
- To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
- Lust and pride and hatred.
- Who are your favorite heroes of fiction?
- Cornelius Suttree, Jeffery Lebowski
- Who are your favorite characters in history?
- Richard Nixon, Thomas Jefferson, Malcolm X, Sitting Bull
- Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
- Caitlin, my mother
- Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
- Dilsey, Scarlett Johannsen's character in Lost in Translation
- Your favorite painter?
- Its all about the Goya and the Bosch
- Your favorite musician?
- Nick Cave or Mick Jagger
- The quality you most admire in a man?
- Son of a bitchery, wit, loyalty, honesty
- The quality you most admire in a woman?
- Wit, intelligence, honesty
- Your favorite virtue?
- Honesty
- Your favorite occupation?
- Writing
- Who would you have liked to be?
- Your most marked characteristic?
- The amount of times I use the word 'man' as an interjection in a day
- What do you most value in your friends?
- Honesty and loyalty
- What is your principle defect?
- Pride
- What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
- Dying alone and depressed
- What would you like to be?
- A writer
- What is your favorite color?
- Purple
- What is your favorite flower?
- The rose
- What is your favorite bird?
- Who are your favorite prose writers?
- William Faulkner, Cormac McCarthy, Kafka, Hemingway, Henry Miller
- Who are your favorite poets?
- TS Eliot, Charles Bukowski, W.H. Auden, Hart Crane, William Butler Yeats
- Who are your heroes in real life?
- My dad, Charles Barkley, Cormac McCarthy, Nick Cave
- Who are your favorite heroines of history?
- St. Lucy
- What are your favorite names?
- Moses, Rasheed, Dolemite, Saul, and William for the Boys, Layla, Anne, Cassidy, Augustine, and Claire for the girls.
- What is it you most dislike?
- Liars and the Boston Celtics.
- What historical figures do you most despise?
- I don't like LBJ, Alexander Hamilton, or Joe McCarthy.
- What event in military history do you most admire?
- Little Big Horn, the Sioux were crafty sum bitches
- What natural gift would you most like to possess?
- the ability to draw and irrepressible wit
- How would you like to die?
- On a road trip to heaven so I don't know I'm dead.
- What is your present state of mind?
- Clear headed with a little headache, tired
- What is your motto?
- If you're gonna be dumb, you've got to be tough
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