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On Thu, 25 Aug 16 15:29:23 UTC Drucar (45) answered the Proust Questionnaire (click on a question to read other answers):
- What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
- Separation from my son.
- Where would you like to live?
- In a cabin way the hell up in the mountains somewhere
- What is your idea of earthly happiness?
- Watching the Red Sox demolish the Yankees at Fenway.
- To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
- An undisciplined mind.
- Who are your favorite heroes of fiction?
- TG, King Arthur, Roland Deschain, Richard Rahl, Dave Martynyuik, and Odysseus.
- Who are your favorite characters in history?
- Charles Martel, Jacques de Molay, Saladin, Ramses II, Alexander the Great, Patton, Ivan Grozny.
- Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
- Amy Ennis, the best teacher ever!
- Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
- Lilith, Rahab, and Jezzie.
- Your favorite painter?
- Poussin
- Your favorite musician?
- Marilyn Manson, or David Bowie
- The quality you most admire in a man?
- obstinate nature
- The quality you most admire in a woman?
- Independence, but intelligent enough to pull back from the edge of total man-hating lunacy.
- Your favorite virtue?
- Imagination
- Your favorite occupation?
- Writing
- Who would you have liked to be?
- Born 3000 years ago in Europe to some forest-dwelling tribe, or a Viking.
- Your most marked characteristic?
- Ornery
- What do you most value in your friends?
- Sense of Humor and intelligence
- What is your principle defect?
- Impetuos
- What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
- A second stroke turning me in a potted plant for forty years.
- What would you like to be?
- free
- What is your favorite color?
- Black.
- What is your favorite flower?
- Ones in pictures, so I don't have to bask in their reek.
- What is your favorite bird?
- Roc
- Who are your favorite prose writers?
- Early King (writing as Bachman), Bernard Cornwell, Nabokov, Ian Fleming, Heinlein, Huxley.
- Who are your favorite poets?
- Dante and Poe.
- Who are your heroes in real life?
- Don't really have any, just want to be as awesome as my son thinks I am.
- Who are your favorite heroines of history?
- Boudica. Catherine de Medici.
- What are your favorite names?
- Dad.
- What is it you most dislike?
- Institutionalized idiocy.
- What historical figures do you most despise?
- Karl Marx. Margaret Sanger. Muhammad. Hitler. Bill and Hillary Clinton. Joseph Smith. Who ever killed JFK.
- What event in military history do you most admire?
- The Battle of Tours. Agincourt. D-Day.
- What natural gift would you most like to possess?
- telepathy
- How would you like to die?
- as part of the heat-death of the universe
- What is your present state of mind?
- Irritated, Custody wars are not fun.
- What is your motto?
- Specialization is for insects.
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