[Answer the Proust Questionnaire]
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On Mon, 29 Oct 12 01:41:37 UTC Esteban (23) answered the Proust Questionnaire (click on a question to read other answers):
- What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
- Becoming a murderer
- Where would you like to live?
- Scotland
- What is your idea of earthly happiness?
- Freedom
- To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
- anything related to human nature
- Who are your favorite heroes of fiction?
- Christ, King Lear, Indiana Jones, Don Quixote, The Devil, Faust
- Who are your favorite characters in history?
- Mahomet, Christ, Buddha, Che Guevara, Schiller
- Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
- Any independent woman
- Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
- Lady Chatterley, Mrs. Dalloway, Ma Joad
- Your favorite painter?
- Modigliani
- Your favorite musician?
- Pete Townshend
- The quality you most admire in a man?
- Honor
- The quality you most admire in a woman?
- Ethics
- Your favorite virtue?
- Equity
- Your favorite occupation?
- Director
- Who would you have liked to be?
- A disciple of Christ
- Your most marked characteristic?
- I talk to myself
- What do you most value in your friends?
- Honesty
- What is your principle defect?
- Paranoia
- What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
- Becoming a murderer
- What would you like to be?
- The best I could become
- What is your favorite color?
- Black
- What is your favorite flower?
- Orchids
- What is your favorite bird?
- Crow
- Who are your favorite prose writers?
- Fedor Dostoyevski, ErnestHemmingway, Günter Grass, Yukio Mishima
- Who are your favorite poets?
- William Blake, Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare, T.S. Eliot
- Who are your heroes in real life?
- Paco Perez Romo, Gilberto Domínguez, Marco Aurelio Larios (My teachers)
- Who are your favorite heroines of history?
- Beatrice, Elizabeth I, All the rest
- What are your favorite names?
- Alonso
- What is it you most dislike?
- Lies
- What historical figures do you most despise?
- Killers and rapists
- What event in military history do you most admire?
- The Battle at Gaugamela
- What natural gift would you most like to possess?
- Comprehension
- How would you like to die?
- Without regrets
- What is your present state of mind?
- Chaotic
- What is your motto?
- Well, you already know how life tends to be
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