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On Fri, 07 Dec 12 21:17:58 UTC Mitsuko (22) answered the Proust Questionnaire (click on a question to read other answers):
- What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
- To be enslaved.
- Where would you like to live?
- In the wild.
- What is your idea of earthly happiness?
- To be in contact with nature and be left alone.
- To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Who are your favorite heroes of fiction?
- Frankenstein.
- Who are your favorite characters in history?
- Christabel Pankhurst.
- Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
- My mother and grandmother, as well as plenty of friends, teachers, co-workers and mates I have had the pleasure to meet.
- Who are your favorite heroines of fiction?
- Hermione Granger.
- Your favorite painter?
- George Barbier, Goya, Gustav Klimt, Toulouse-Lautrec.
- Your favorite musician?
- Janis Joplin.
- The quality you most admire in a man?
- Refusal to lose contact with his empathy and feelings, free-thinking capacity, deep respect for life.
- The quality you most admire in a woman?
- Refusal to lose contact with her self, refusal to be lobotomized, and belief in her inner spark of genius.
- Your favorite virtue?
- Brilliance, excellence, genius.
- Your favorite occupation?
- Fighting.
- Who would you have liked to be?
- Myself.
- Your most marked characteristic?
- A free spirit.
- What do you most value in your friends?
- Friendship.
- What is your principle defect?
- Very bad temper.
- What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
- Slavery.
- What would you like to be?
- Another goddamn warrior woman, just as square-headed and terrible as me.
- What is your favorite color?
- Red.
- What is your favorite flower?
- Ylang ylang.
- What is your favorite bird?
- Owl.
- Who are your favorite prose writers?
- I still have to find one that really pierces my soul.
- Who are your favorite poets?
- Emily Dickinson.
- Who are your heroes in real life?
- My family.
- Who are your favorite heroines of history?
- I wish I knew their names.
- What are your favorite names?
- Saturn and Venus.
- What is it you most dislike?
- To be enslaved.
- What historical figures do you most despise?
- Most, actually.
- What event in military history do you most admire?
- The French Revolution.
- What natural gift would you most like to possess?
- I possess every natural gift I could ever wish for.
- How would you like to die?
- Free enough, old enough, satisfied enough, and quickly enough, in the wild.
- What is your present state of mind?
- Breathing.
- What is your motto?
- Knowledge + Action = Power.
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