[Answer the Proust Questionnaire] [Answers by name or age] [Random answer] [Image gallery]

On Sun, 13 Mar 11 07:44:24 UTC SoundofWater (35) answered the Proust Questionnaire (click on a question to read other answers):

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Where would you like to live?
Wanla, India
Who are your favorite heroes of fiction?
peaceful communal living
Who are your favorite characters in history?
Godel, Hubble, Guatama
Who are your favorite heroines in real life?
Women who do not give in to societies norms of marriage and parenting
Your favorite painter?
Jackson Pollack
Your favorite musician?
Mark Harris
The quality you most admire in a man?
The quality you most admire in a woman?
Your favorite virtue?
Your favorite occupation?
Who would you have liked to be?
Your most marked characteristic?
What do you most value in your friends?
What is your principle defect?
What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes?
hurting sentinent beings
What would you like to be?
What is your favorite color?
Peacock Blue
What is your favorite flower?
Papera sominforum
What is your favorite bird?
Barn Owl, Raven of course
Who are your favorite prose writers?
Proust, Marlowe
Who are your favorite poets?
Baudelaire and Donald McIsaac
Who are your heroes in real life?
Who are your favorite heroines of history?
My aunt Bonnie Parker
What are your favorite names?
Hilda, Ramayamakrishnaboddhi
What is it you most dislike?
my impatience and lack of Energy
What historical figures do you most despise?
Selfish instigators of genocide
What event in military history do you most admire?
What natural gift would you most like to possess?
How would you like to die?
What is your present state of mind?
What is your motto?
I am sorry.

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